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Tour The Barns of Woodside

Situated just south of what used to he the orchards of Newburgh, this is one of the most interesting buildings, architecturally, to be found in the area.

Considering its obvious antiquity, there can be found very few records of its use or occupancy, however, it was probably built around the early 17th century as many stones quarried from the Abbey of Lindores are noticeable in its decoration. With most of the buildings in Newburgh that have had abbey stone used in their construction, the material was used as foundation blocks or put into other unseen positions. Howeverthe builder of 'The Barns' has obviously taken delight in placing choice pieces of 12th century mason's art where they can be seen and appreciated.

At one time in its history the building or part of it was used as a maltings for brewing ale and very early, hand made, perforated clay tiles have been found, which probably formed the drying floor for the grain. Another interesting glimpse of bygone ways is afforded by the stone well in the garden which still draws water and was, like many similar wells throughout Newburgh, the household's only access to fresh water until the turn of the century.

A little to the south of the house is the monk's well, and at one time, the rood linn bum taking the water to the abbey passed through the garden and the ornamental pools and channels can still be seen, though the water no longer flows.

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