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Tour Clatchard Craig

The name of Clatchard Craig simply meant the Craig of the High Stone. This was a purely descriptive name as there once arose at this point a detached pillar of rock standing 90' high x 25' wide leaning towards the east.

Thomas the Rhymer made a prophecy concerning this pillar which he said "would stand till it fell on a white horse that never was born". It was in fact demolished by one charge of dynamite to make way for the railway, and its steam propelled engines, so the Rhymer was not far astray in his prophecy.

On the craig itself was an iron age fort, which was probably Pictish in origin. It consisted of a fort, a concentric series of ramparts and a large enclosure for cattle.

Before the quarry, which now occupies this site, was opened, several archeological diggings were made and an ancient stone ball was found. It was carved with leaves and thought to have been used in a game, but has since been lost without trace.

The fort itself is believed to have been destroyed by the Romans under Martius, Commander of the Thracian Cohorts under the Emperor Commodus.

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