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Travel To Claypotts Castle And Garden

A fortified house of the 16th century, the 'Tower Fortalice and Mannor Place' of Claypotts was built between 1569 and 1588 by John Strachan or Strathauchin, a cadet branch of Strachan of Angus and Thornton in the Mearns. It is situated close to the junction of the A92 and B978 roads between Dundee and Broughty Ferry. Erected in a Z-plan style it has three storeys and circular wings. At the beginning of the 17th century the estate passed to the newly-created Barony of Lindores and the Strachans moved north to Balhousie after selling Claypotts to Sir William Graham of Ballunie in 1601.
The Claypotts Estate was eventually sold to the Grahams of Claverhouse, reverting to the Crown in 1689 when Claverhouse lands were declared forfeit after the Battle of Killiecrankie. The property was granted by Royal Charter in 1694 to James, 2nd Marquis of Douglas. Claypotts Castle was placed under the guardianship of the Commissioners of Works in 1926. Outside is a demonstration garden.

Other Places To Visit In This Region Of Scotland Include:

Three carved Pictish stones line roadside of this hamlet. One more in churchyard; carved with Celtic cross and animal decorations. Battle scene on reverse.

Arbroath is the largest town in Angus with a population of, roughly, 25,000. It is a fishing port and resort town. It's original name was more descriptive of it's origin- Aberbrothock, "at the mouth of the Brothock" (Burn). Probably most well known for it's abbey which was completed in 1233 and was the setting of the signing of the Declaration of Independence in 1320 from which the Americans based their Declaration of Independence. In 1446 the area in front of the abbey was the scene of a bloody battle. Arbroath became a royal burgh on the 23rd November 1599. Here is the wording of the Charter. The base for the building of the Bell Rock lighthouse (completed in 1811) was in Arbroath.

In the 18th and 19th centuries Arbroath became a centre for linen weaving, spinning, bleaching and tanning with mills dotted all the way down the Brothock valley and, it is believed, Arbroath mills supplied the sails for the "Cutty Sark". It is also famous for it's delicacy, the "Smokie", which was really an Auchmithie invention.

The modern economy depends, mainly, on engineering (parts for some models of Rolls Royce were made in Arbroath), oil-related industries, fishing, boat building and, to a lesser extent, tourism.
A well-preserved underground earth house with chambers and passages; houses for 1st and 2nd-century Picts. Another earth house stands 1 mile north.

Village on red-sandstone cliffs with restored cottages and tiny harbour; one of the oldest fishing settlements on Angus coast. Model for 'Musselcrag' in Walter Scott's novel The Antiquary.

Boddin Point
Low-lying point with fortress-like limekiln on tip. Look for agates among rocks at low tide. Coastal path leads to Elephant Rock: red-sandstone stack in which sea has carved 'legs' and 'trunk'. Fine view across bay.

Town rising steeply from River South Esk. Red-sandstone cathedral dates from 13th century, now a parish church. Pictish relics, 16th-century font amid 17th-century silver inside. Next to it, 87ft high watchtower dates from 11th century.

Bridge of Dun
Spanning River South Esk, squat obelisks guard approaches to this three-arched bridge decorated with Gothic motifs. Built by Alexander Stevens in 1787.

Broughty Castle
Perched on a rocky spur above Broughty Ferry harbour, this 15th-century castle was restored in 1860. Now it houses a museum with exhibits of seashore wildlife, lay's natural history and Dundee's former whaling industry.

Broughty Ferry
Built around cottages of old fishing village. this Dundee suburb doubles as a holiday resort.

Former home of Reverend Patrick Bell, inventor of the reaping machine in 1828. Workshop remains. Church founded 1500.

Caterthun, Brown and White
Two Iron Age forts: Brown stands alone with six lines of defence, the outermost enclosing an area of 1,000 by 900ft; White, a mile south-west, is a hilltop oval surrounded by two stone walls.

Claypotts Castle
Well-preserved late 1500s fortress with towers capped by square gar-rets, Ground floor dominated by kitchen with vast fireplace and gunport. Sole entrance by small doorway on west front.

Cliffs Nature Trail
East of Arbroath town, broad esplanade has acres of grass. From northern end, 3 mile nature trail leads along cliff tops, passing stack known as Deil's Held; one of many oddly shaped rocks. Cave in Carlingheugh Bay leads through to neighbouring bay. Check tide times before venturing in cave.

Crombie Country Park
Conifer and broadleaf woodland extending for 250 acres, where a Victorian reservoir looks decep-tively like a natural loch. Wildlife hides, trails and Ranger Centre with environmental displays.

Damside Garden
Fragrance fills the air in 8 acres of gardens where history of herbs is explained with Celtic, Roman and monastic displays. Arboretum and tearoom.

Edzell Castle
Red-stone ruins of 16th-century castle dominated by square tower.

Castle home of Prime Minister W.E. Gladstone 1830-51. Built 1809, the house looks much as it did in Gladstone's time; still lived in by his descendants. Deer park.

learn how to make malt whisky on a tour of Scotland's second eldest licensed distillery. Arch marks Queen Victoria's 1861 town visit. Shaft of 1670 Kincardine Tower Cross in main square.

Small town where Malcolm III had a castle -- destroyed by Robert Bruce: site is marked by 17th-century octagonal turret. Town Hall and museum has 'Forfar bridle': medieval iron cellar used to gag those about to be executed.

Guthrie Castle
Built in I5th century on site of earlier fortress. Square tower of 1468 and 19th --century additions. Can be viewed from outside only.

Hill of Finavon
Remains of ramparted Iron Age fort crown hill with all-round views of the countryside.  Evidence of metal working and pot making.

House of Dun
Handsome house designed by William Adam in early 18th century. Saloon plaster-work depicts armorial bearings. Naval and military trophies and mythological scenes. Potting shed contains early 20th-century tools and life-size figure of a gardener at work. Wooded walks through the surrounding parkland.

Bustling lobster--fishing port. full of holiday homes, with two--basin harbour. Four mile coastal path runs north to the town of Inverbervie.

Kellie Castle
Fine domestic architecture of the 16th and 17th centuries; oldest part dates from 1613.

Lunan Bay
Good shore to search for semiprecious stones, such as agate and amethyst.

Milton of Mathers
Ruined cottages stand side by side with modern holiday chalets. Beach of pebbles and rocks. Good walking in woods where there are two streams; one tumbles down 40ft waterfall of Den Finella.

Village noted for battlemented 15th-century Affleck Castle, with fine upper hall and vaulted chapel. Waterside walks and boating in country park surrounding reservoir. Beyond Monikie, road runs back towards coast, giving wide views over the sea.

Town with water on three sides. Popular sailing centre wiith fine beach. Pink-footed geese over-winter on shores. Church steeple soars 220ft above elegant, gable-ended High Street houses, where the narrow, twisting closes have remained unchanged for 200 years. Curfew bell of 'Big Peter' rings from steeple nightly.

Red Castle
Short, steep path from Lunan Bay to remains of cliff-top castle, probably dating from the 15th century when it replaced earlier fort built for King William the Lion.

Red Head
One of the most unspoiled spots tin Scotland's east coast; 26511 sandstone headland is reached by a bumpy 1 1/2 mile drive on an unpaved road. Superb view along coast. Path below cliff edge leads to rocky shore.

Restenneth Priory
Romantic stone ruin surrounded by sloping meadows. Incorporated into remains of Augustinian Priory church is porch, possibly dating from 11th century; later heightened to form square tower. Capped by spire in 15th century.

St Cyrus
Sweep of sand backed by dunes, with cliffs of volcanic rock. Rich in wild flowers, butterflies and moths. Colony of little terns on sand and shingle at the south end. Stonechats, whitethroats and yellowhammers frequent gorse and scrub. Common porpoises sometimes appear offshore and grey seals are seen regularly.

St Vigeans
Unexpected gem in dip below modern housing. Small 12th-century church, renovated 19th century, on steep mound dotted with gravestones. Below stands semicircle of red-stone cottages with  stone--slabbed roofs.

Small village on River South Esk in Vale of Strathmore . Ruined 15th century stronghold of Finavon Castle, 2 miles south-east.

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